Happy New Year
Starting 2013 with good intensions? Why not ensure you have the protection in place to protect your family if anything were to happen to you? ? Why not ensure your pension is on track for your retirement.
Happy G Day
Today (21st December 2012) marks G Day. From today men and women have to be treated equally when it comes to insurance premiums and pension annuities.
How does Autumn Statement affect pensions?
The Autumn Statement on 5th December 2012 announced changes to the rules around UK pensions.
The Herald quotes Farrell Financial Planning on auto enrolment
The Herald’s latest article on auto enrolment includes comments from our Managing Director, Joe Farrell. See what he has to
Pension auto-enrolment starts for the UK’s largest firms
Auto-enrolment (automatic enrolment) into a workplace pensions starts today (1 October 2012) for companies with 120,000 or more staff.